Leonard Amaral

Leonard Amaral

Travel Medicine of the Center for Malaria and Tropical Diseases (CMDT), Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Rua Junqueira, Lisbon, Portugal

Leonard Amaral is currently working at Travel Medicine of the Center for Malaria and Tropical Diseases (CMDT), Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Rua Junqueira, Lisbon, Portugal.
Research Interest
Development of therapy by which the resistance of MDR/XDR Mtb is by-passed and the non-killing macrophage is transformed into a killer of MDR/XDR Mtb. Therapy of MDR/XDR TB with an inexpensive drug that is beyond patent protection, has no serious toxicity and has been now shown to cure XDR TB. Development of new methods for the characterisation, evaluation and assessment of efflux pumps that render bacteria and cancer cells resistant to therapy. Demonstration of biophysical/biochem mechanisms by which efflux pumps render bacteria multi-drug resistant. Development of new theories for therapy of cancer based upon the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Development of a new chemistry system based upon the use of lasers for modification of bioactive compounds.