
Potentiometric Biosensors: Concept and Analytical Applications-An Editorial

Aurelia Magdalena Pisoschi

Potentiometric assays rely on recording the potential/pH variation, and these determinations are applicable in food, clinical or environmental analysis. The analytical signal is due to the concentration variation of an ionic species. Potentiometric measurements are applied to the determination of many organic and inorganic species (sugars, urea, antibiotics, neurotransmitters, pesticides, but also ammonia, carbon dioxide and many ionic species). Potentiometric biosensors are developed by combining a biorecognition element (essentially an enzyme) with a transducer that senses the variation in protons (or other ions) amount, the recorded analytical signal being logarithmically correlated with the analyte concentration. The present Editorial deals with the presentation of several types of sensors based on different transducers and biorecognition elements.