Challenges & opportunities of AgTech distribution in developing countries
Global Food Security and Sustainability Conference
September 05-07, 2016 Beijing, China

Manuela Silverstein Zoninsein

AgVali, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


There are one million agricultural distributors servicing more than 1.2 billion farmers globally, but emerging market distributors struggle to keep up with the rapidly modernizing needs of farmers who are working to become more efficient and sustainable, and to identify and access suitable new solutions and supplier relationships. On the other hand, agriculture innovation & investment in developed countries is booming. US$4.2B is expected in early-stage investments for 2015 in the U.S. alone (ahead of fintech or medtech, per AgFunder). Yet these suppliers are struggling to identify or build distributions channels to access buyers in new markets. The AgVali platform enables retailers to satisfy their farmer-clients�?? needs, to learn about new products, and to connect with new suppliers globally. Our platform simultaneously enables suppliers to consider new markets & viable sales channels, to thereby increase their revenues, valuations, & access to a broader spectrum of customers. We aim to drive the future of farming by connecting the long-tail in agriculture, thereby helping farmers and distributors in emerging markets to purchase the products they need to stay effective and productive; by opening new sales channels needed for innovative and SME suppliers to grow and pick up speed and; by helping emerging market farmers and distributors to create their first digital �??footprints�?� so as to demonstrate their needs globally which in turn can re-orient the agriculture market according to bottom-up, alternative visions of innovation.

Biography :

Manuela Silverstein Zoninsein has completed her Master of Science from the University of Oxford in Modern Chinese Studies, focusing on China’s Pesticide Polizie, and BA from Harvard University in Social Studies, and Latin American Studies. She is the CMO and Co-founder of AgVali, a cross-border marketplace platform connecting world-class suppliers of agriculture inputs and equipment with qualified distributors in new markets. She has published 100 articles in publications globally in English, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish.
