Vitamin A: An unexpected role in B cell cancers
International Conference and Exhibition on Biochemical & Molecular Engineering
October 07-08, 2013 Hilton San Antonio Airport, TX, USA

Ouliana Ziouzenkova

Keynote: Biochem Anal Biochem


The deregulation of B cell differentiation has been shown to contribute to autoimmune disorders, hematological cancers, and aging. We provide evidence that the retinoic acid-producing enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase 1a1 ( Aldh1a1 ) is an oncogene suppressor in specific splenic B cells populations. Aldh1a1 regulated transcription factorsand oncogene suppressorsretinoic acid receptor alpha ( Rara ), zinc finger protein Zfp423 , and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ( Pparg ) insplenocytes. In Aldh1a1 -/- mice, splenic IgG1 + /CD19 - and IgG1 + /CD19 + B cells acquired expression of proto-oncogenic genes c-Fos, c-Jun , and Hoxa10 that resulted in splenomegaly. Human multiple myeloma patients and multiple myeloma B cell lines also lack Aldh1a1 expression. Ectopic Aldh1a1 expression rescued these cells. Our data highlight a mechanism by which vitamin A metabolism protects B cellsfromoncogenesis.

Biography :

Ouliana Ziouzenkova is an Assistant Professor at The Ohio State University (OSU). She received a bachelors and masters degree from The Kiev State University, Ukraine, Ph.D. at the University of Graz, Austria.Her post-doctoral training was at the University of Southern California and Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston, MA. She has been honored with the Basic Science Award by the American Heart Association, the Lerner Young Faculty Award at BWH. She serves on an editorial board for Vitamins & Trace Elements, Internal Medicine and a guest editor for BBA Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. She leads a research team fostering innovative approaches in anti-obesity therapies and obesity associated disorders.