Antibody Immunohistochemistry Western blots
dilution reactivity dilution reactivity
E578 anti-L1† 1 : 2000 yes 1 : 2000 yes
GA-5 mab antiGFAP (Sigma G6171) 1 : 2000 yes 1 : 2000 yes
rabbit anti-bovine GFAP (DAKO Z0334) 1 : 2000 yes 1 : 2000 yes
SMI31(Covance SMI-31R) 1 : 400 yes 1 : 1000 yes
mab anti-rat TNR‡ 1 : 400 yes 1 : 400 yes
rabbit anti-mouse S100 (Sigma S2644) 1 : 1000 inconsistent 1 : 1000 no
anti-Integrin β1 (Sigma SAB4501582) 1 : 200 no N/A N/A
rat anti-mouse MBP§ 1 : 20 no N/A N/A
anti-zebrafish TAG¶ 1 : 200 no N/A N/A
anti-mouse β-tubulin (Covance PRB-435P) 1 : 1000 no N/A N/A
† Gift from C. Stuermer, Konstanz Germany.
‡ Gift from P. Persheva, Bonn Germany.
§ Gift from C. Linington, Munich Germany.
¶ Product from Lang et al. [10].
Table 1: Antibodies used in this study along with dilutions and reactivity results. Antibodies which were not reactive on IHC sections were not tested against western blots.