
Journal of Genetics and DNA Research

ISSN: 2684-6039

Open Access

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2017)

Editorial Pages: 1 - 1

Genetic Engineering 2020

Selvarajan E and Veena R

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Commentry Pages: 1 - 2

Are we All Transgenic?

Eduardo O Melo

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Commentry Pages: 1 - 2

Mouse Models for NASH: Are we there yet?

Yvonne Oligschlaeger

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Review Article Pages: 1 - 12

Biophysical and Biochemical Mechanisms of Forming and Development A Human Eukaryotic Organism from Single Pluripotent Cell into Multicellular Embryo and A Living Organism in Norm

Ponizovskiy MR

The mechanism forming and development a human eukaryotic organism from single pluripotent cell was described from the point of view of thermodynamics, biophysics and biochemistry. The genesis and development of an organism was explained using famous Prigogine theorem and Glansdorff and Prigogine theory sharing into such stages of human life development: born of an organism, babyhood, childhood, young age, juvenile age, middle age, full age, elderly age, old age. There was estimated levels metabolic activity of each stage of human life. Also all stages of human life development were considered via energy flow which generates cells developments through stem cells into cells types. The mechanisms of these transformations cells were described from point of views of thermodynamics, biophysics and biochemistry. There were described mechanisms Gametogenesis, impregnation ovum by sperms and foetus growth from single cell considering flows energy from stem cells to cells types which cause transition diploid cellular division through mitosis into haploid cellular division through meiosis and back into diploid cellular division through mitosis.

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