Formulation Code Thickness (mm) Diameter (mm) Hardness (kg/cm2) Friability (%) Drug content (%) Weight variation (%)
F1 3.90±0.05 8.9±0.09 4.76±0.25 0.503 99.89±1.75 4.1%
F2  3.85±0.03   8.9±0.1 5.23±0.25 0.543 99.93±2.71 3.5%
F3  3.89±0.04 8.8±0.15 5.16±0.28 0.488 102.63±2.1 2.8%
CCF1 4.10±0.02 12.01±0.12 5.12±0.29 0.622 98.33±2.41 4.6%
CCF2 4.12±0.04 11.95±0.16 5.24±0.35 0.569 101.22±1.25 3.9%
CCF3 4.09±0.01 12.18±0.24 5.36±0.22 0.658 99.56±1.42 2.2%
Table 5: Results of post compression properties core and compression coated tablets of Nizatidine (n=3).