Figure 4: Cytotoxicity study was performed on A) human MNC cells by using MTT assay and B) HeLa cells by using trypan blue dye exclusion method; no significant decrease in the cell viability was observed for any of the NP formulations in both the assays; different concentrations of PMM as 50, 100 and 150 μM in Cs-Chs-Hb-PMM formulations as well as for free PMM was studied to evaluate and compare the toxicity at LD50 concentrations of different formulations and free PMM. Direct doses of PMM were found to be significantly toxic in comparison to the formulations studied in both the cases. Samples were analyzed by one way Anova followed by Tukey's MCT with statistical differences indicated as follows: p<0.05, * for control vs. PMM (150 μM). Microscopic images of C) Control HeLa cells (without any drug treatment), D) HeLa cells treated with 150 μM free PMM.).