RET Gene Varianta PolyPhen SIFT MutPred
Curated Outcome Predictionb Predictionc Predictiond
G533C (pathogenic) probably damaging affects function Not available
C609S (uncertain) probably damaging affects function deleterious (0.90)
C611S (pathogenic) probably damaging affects function deleterious (0.90)
C618G (pathogenic) probably damaging tolerated deleterious (0.88)
C620R (pathogenic) benign tolerated deleterious (0.75)
C630R (pathogenic) probably damaging tolerated deleterious (0.70)
D631Y (pathogenic) probably damaging affects function deleterious (0.69)
C634L (pathogenic) probably damaging tolerated deleterious (0.69)
S649L (pathogenic) probably damaging tolerated deleterious (0.66)
G691S (benign) benign tolerated benign(0.20)
aCurated RET variants from welcome.php
bAnalyzed with default settings at
cAnalyzed with default settings at
dAnalyzed with default settings at
Table 4: Comparison of mutation prediction for selected RET mutations using PolyPhen, SIFT and MutPred.