Hit Position in RP11-242E13 Distance to previous hit (bp)
1 3112 Not applicable.
2 6670 3558
3 10234 3564
4 13823 3589
5 17357 3534
6 20831 3474
7 24410 3579
8 27985 3575
9 31579 3594
10 35143 3564
11 38702 3559
12 42276 3574
13 45858 3582
14 49452 3594
15 53026 3574
16 56570 3544
17 60159 3589
18 63713 3554
19 67242 3529
20 70826 3584
21 74400 3574
22 77984 3584
23 81543 3559
24 85107 3564
25 88680 3573
26 92264 3584
27 94258 1994
28 97817 3559
Table 2: Location of 28 BLASTn hits with the 27 nt query sequence in BAC RP11-242E13.