Aligner Queries with hits (BLAST) Queries with hits (mBLAST) Common queries (#) Common queries (%) Top blast within top n mBLAST matches (%)b
mBLASTX 26,339 26,174 25,958 98.6 79.3
26,339 26,174 25,958 98.6 97.1
26,339 26,174 25,958 98.6 97.9
26,339 26,174 25,958 98.6 98.0
mTBLASTX 94,920 99,844 94,849 99.9 77.3
94,920 99,844 94,849 99.9 92.9
94,920 99,844 94,849 99.9 94.5
94,920 99,844 94,849 99.9 96.0
mBLASTP 35,713 35,739 35,451 99.3 90.8
35,713 35,739 35,451 99.3 95.2
35,713 35,739 35,451 99.3 95.7
35,713 35,739 35,451 99.3 96.3
aFor exact parameters used see Methods;
bā€˜nā€™=1, 5, 10 or 32 mBLAST hits considered.
Table 1: Sensitivity of mBLAST algorithms compared to BLASTa.