Provence Number of selected facilities in every province Number of facilities which submitted study materials Number of facilities which did not submit study materials
Dolnośląskie 5 3 2
Kujawsko-pomorskie 5 4 1
Lubelskie 5 4 1
Lubuskie 5 3 2
Łódzkie 5 4 1
Małopolskie 5 4 1
Mazowieckie 5 4 1
Opolskie 5 5 0
Podkarpackie 5 3 2
Podlaskie 5 5 0
Pomorskie **) 3 2 1
Śląskie *) 4 4 0
Świętokrzyskie 5 4 1
Warmińsko-mazurskie 5 4 1
Wielkopolskie 5 4 1
Zachodniopomorskie 5 4 1
Total 77 61 16
*) no rural area in the district with no diabetes clinic
**) no district without a diabetes clinic
Table 1: Primary health care facilities selected for the study (province level).