Questions evaluating the knowledge of the disease:
In your opinion, diabetes is a illness where:
1-there is too much insulin
2-there is too little insulin
3-I don’t know
What leads to high blood sugar?
What leads to low blood sugar?
What is hypoglycemia?
What are the symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)?
What are the symptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia)?
What are the symptoms of ketotic coma?
What are the complications in diabetes?
What supports normal glucose level in blood?
What reduces the risk of complications in diabetes?
How to perform foot care in diabetes?
What the diabetes patient should control himself/herself?
What are the rules of nutrition in diabetes?
What are the physical activity recommendations in diabetes?
What are the effects using drugs for diabetes?
1-lower blood sugar level
2-higher blood sugar level
3-no effect on the blood sugar level
4-I don’t know their role or effects
What is the objective of the diet (nutrition) in diabetes?
What are the effects of physical activity in diabetes?
1-lower blood sugar level
2-higher blood sugar level
3-no effect on the blood sugar level
4-I don’t know its role or effects
What are the effects of Glucagon?
1-higher blood sugar level
2-lower blood sugar level
3-no effect on the blood sugar level
4-I don’t know its role or effects
What is the recommended procedure with low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)?
1-eat an extra meal
2-wait until the condition passes
3-skip one meal
4-take an extra dose of the drug
5-I don’t know
What is the recommended procedure with high blood sugar (hyperglycemia)?
When to perform urine tests for acetone?
How to prevent hypoglycaemia? How to prevent hyperglycaemia?
Table 9: Questions evaluating the knowledge of the disease.