Filtered Matrix (100×1455)
Genome Name SAR-rank A-rank B-rank SA-rank
bacillus cereus atcc 14579 1 6 16 17
campylobacter concisus 13826 2 12 6 9
thermotoga sp. rq2 3 26 3 2
aquifexaeolicus vf5 4 15 12 8
campylobacter curvus 525.92 5 17 9 12
bacillus cytotoxicusnvh 391-98 6 5 19 19
dictyoglomusthermophilum h-6-12 7 10 13 14
thermotoganeapolitanadsm 4359 8 19 5 5
bacillus amyloliquefaciensdsm 7 9 13 22 24
helicobacter felisatcc 49179 10 38 10 13
caldicellulosiruptorbesciidsm 6725 11 34 14 23
listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b str. 12 11 15 20
archaeoglobusfulgidusdsm 4304 13 1 1 1
francisella sp. tx077308 14 36 21 28
thermoplasmavolcanium gss1 15 8 2 4
thermoplasmaacidophilumdsm 1728 16 9 4 6
. . . . .
. . . . .
gluconacetobacterdiazotrophicus pal 5 88 83 90 88
starkeya novella dsm 506 89 72 87 87
bifidobacteriumanimalis subsp. lactis ad011 90 99 100 100
rhodopseudomonaspalustris dx-1 91 76 88 89
rhodospirillumcentenumsw 92 92 89 90
burkholderiarhizoxinicahki 454 93 60 97 96
intrasporangiumcalvumdsm 43043 94 91 95 93
xanthobacterautotrophicus py2 95 90 91 91
rothiadentocariosaatcc 17931 96 97 99 99
streptomycesgriseus subsp. griseusnbrc 3350 97 93 93 95
streptomycesscabiei 87.22 98 96 94 94
salinibacterruber m8 99 98 98 98
haliangiumochraceumdsm 14365 100 100 96 97
Table 2: Results of rankings obtained by the SAR-ranking, Average ranking (A-rank), Bubble sorting (B-rank), and Simulated Annealing (SA-rank). List of genomes in the SA ranking order. Only top- and bottom-ranked genomes are shown.