Isoflavone Control Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Bonferoni corrected p-value Trait significance
  Average (HPLC area) St. Dev %RSD Average (HPLC area) St. Dev %RSD Average (HPLC area) St. Dev %RSD Average (HPLC area) St. Dev %RSD    
Glycetin (Rt 12.8 min; n=4) 131.500 6.165 4.688 144.875 5.652 3.901 124.175 4.388 3.534 122.025 3.242 2.657 0.002  
Diadzein (Rt 30.2 min; n=4) 50.525 2.644 5.232 50.800 3.477 6.844 83.200 2.810 3.377 82.925 4.172 5.032 < 0.001 2,3 (1,C)*
Glycetein (Rt 31.6 min; n=4) 15.275 2.689 17.602 18.925 1.374 7.263 23.100 1.608 6.962 20.700 1.610 7.780 0.009  
Genistein (Rt 41.0 min; n=4) 64.425 3.075 4.773 65.750 1.686 2.565 117.650 2.983 2.535 78.500 4.511 5.747 < 0.001 2,3 (1,C)*
Phenolic acid Control Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Bonferoni corrected p-value Trait significance
Vanilic acid (Rt 27.8 min; n=4) Average (mg/g) 0.062 0.065 0.063 0.068 0.002  
%RSD 4.602 3.663 4.731 2.546
Syringic acid (Rt 31.4 min; n=4) Average (mg/g) 0.242 0.276 0.266 0.275 0.236  
%RSD 3.254 3.707 2.053 1.349
p- Coumaric acid (Rt 38.5 min; n=4) Average (mg/g) 0.070 0.082 0.108 0.087 < 0.001 2,(3,1),C*
%RSD 1.964 2.815 1.854 1.629
Ferulic acid (Rt 42.2 min; n=4) Average (mg/g) 0.083 0.084 0.077 0.091 0.012  
%RSD 2.544 2.035 2.165 2.055
Sinapic acid (Rt 43.7 min; n=4) Average (mg/g) 0.089 0.093 0.098 0.101 0.014  
%RSD 2.255 2.537 3.431 2.286
Table 3: LC-MS analysis of phenolic compounds from control and genetically modified soybean. (A) HPLC area of four isoflavones was used for comparison and four separate extractions and analysis were carried out for each sample. (B) Quantification of five phenolic acids was achieved using authentic commercial standards and four separate extractions and analysis were carried out for each sample.