
- Glycolipidome

- Cerebrosides


- Globosides


- Gangliosides

- Sialome (e.g. sialylated gangliosides)

- Glycoproteome

- N-linked glycans

- Mannomics (e.g. high mannose)

- O-Linked glycans

- Sialome (e.g. E-selectin Sialyl LewisX)

- Proteoglycome

- Glycosaminoglycome

- Heparanome (heparan sulfate)

- Heparinome (heparin)

- Galactosaminoglycome

- Dermatanome (dermatan sulfate)

- Chondroitinome (chondroitin sulfate)

- Glycometabolome

(metabolomics related to glycobiology)


- Peptidoglycome

(bacterial wall heteropolysaccharides)


- Galactanome (galactans)

- agaranome (agaran)


- carrageenome (carrageenan)


- Fucanome (fucans)



- Fungal polysaccharides

- glucuronoxylomannome (e.g. glucuronoxylomannan)


Table 1: Summarized list of the main glycomics subprojects already in use (bold fonts), about to be used (italic fonts) and possible to be used in the near future (regular fonts).