factor protein
Figure 6: Vascular endothelial growth factor protein expression by immunofluorescence and Western Blot.
A: a: Control (untreated), b: AGE (100 μg/ml) treated, c: Glycine (2.5 mM)+AGE (100 μg/ml), d: Glutamic acid (2.5 mM)+AGE (100 μg/ml)
There was an increase in the VEGF expression with AGE treatment and the amino acids glycine and glutamic acid decreased the expression when co-treated with AGE.
B: Western blot for VEGF protein and the beta actin control the lanes Lane1: Control, Lane 2: AGE (100 μg/ml) treated, Lane 3: 2.5 mM glycine co-treated with AGE (100 μg/ml), Lane 4: 2.5 mM Glutamic acid co-treated with AGE(100 μg/ml). It was observed that glycine decreased the VEGF expression.