Pathway     Sample Size Concentration  
Metabolite Platform Tissue N SZ Controls relative to controls Reference
Fatty acid metabolism              
glycerate GC-MS serum 222 112 110 [15]
eicosenoic acid GC-MS serum 222 112 110 [15]
beta-hydroxybutyrate GC-MS, NMR serum, urine 222 112 110 [15]
palmitic acid GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
linoleic acid GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
oleic acid GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
stearic acid GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
unsaturated fatty acids NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
Glycerolipid metabolism              
glycerol GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
Carbohydrate metabolism              
pyruvate GC-MS serum 222 112 110 [15]
acetate NMR CSF, serum 152 82 70 [14]
lactate NMR CSF, serum 152 82 70 [14]
  NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
  GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
glucose GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
  NMR CSF, serum 152 82 70 [14]
  NMR urine 22 11 11 * [12]
  NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
Amino-acid metabolism              
cystine GC-MS serum 222 112 110 [15]
ornithine FIA-MS plasma 481 213 216 [21]
arginine FIA-MS plasma 481 213 216 [21]
glutamine FIA-MS plasma 481 213 216 [21]
histadine FIA-MS plasma 481 213 216 [21]
1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
valine NMR urine 22 11 11 * [12]
trimethylamine-N-oxide NMR urine 22 11 11 * [12]
Inositol phosphate metabolism              
myo-inositol GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
glucuronic acid GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism              
alanine NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
N-acetylaspartate GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
aspartate GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism              
glycine GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
  NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
  NMR urine 22 11 11 * [12]
Tricarboxylic acid cycle              
citrate GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
  NMR urine 22 11 11 * [12]
α-Ketoglutarate GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
  NMR urine 22 11 11 * [12]
Vitamin E metabolism              
γ-Tocopherol GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
Uric acid metabolism              
allantoin GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
Purine metabolism              
uric acid UPLC-MS/MS plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
Tryptophan metabolism              
tryptophan GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
Fatty acid amides              
oleamide LC-TOF-MS serum 129 70 59 [22]
linoleamide LC-TOF-MS serum 129 70 59 [22]
hepatodecenoic amide LC-TOF-MS serum 129 70 59 [22]
palmitic amide LC-TOF-MS serum 129 70 59 [22]
palmitoleic amide LC-TOF-MS serum 129 70 59 [22]
myristic amide LC-TOF-MS serum 129 70 59 [22]
total antioxidant status spectrophotometric assays plasma 197 49 102 [17]
glutathione spectrophotometric assays erythrocytes 197 49 102 [17]
  spectrophotometry erythrocytes 68 23 45 [22]
glutathione peroxidase spectrophotometric assays erythrocytes 197 49 102 [17]
  spectrophotometry erythrocytes 68 23 45 [22]
catalase spectrophotometry erythrocytes 68 23 45 [22]
taurine NMR urine 22 11 11 * [12]
homocysteine HPLC plasma 38 19 19 [14]
protein carbonyl content ELISA plasma 38 19 19 [14]
  reaction with dinitrophenylhydrazine serum 118 61 57 [15]
3-Nitrotyrosine ELISA plasma 38 19 19 [14]
thiobarbituric acid reactive substances spectrophotometry plasma 38 19 19 [14]
  not clear serum 118 61 57 [15]
xanthine oxidase spectrophotometry cytosol of  occipital cortex 24 12 12 [17]
  spectrophotometry cytosol of  thalamus 24 12 12 [17]
phosphatidylcholineae C38:6 FIA-MS plasma 481 265 216 [21]
lysophosphatidylcholine UPLC-MS/MS plasma 22 11 11 [12]
phosphatidylcholine UPLC-MS/MS plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
interleukin-6 ELISA serum 118 61 57 [15]
interleukin-10 ELISA serum 118 61 57 [15]
Steroid biosynthesis              
cholesterol GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
low-density lipoprotein NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
very low-density lipoprotein NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
very low-density lipoprotein/low density lipid protein NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
high density lipid protein NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
lipid NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
lipoprotein NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
Other pathways              
lactobionic acid GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
erythrose GC-MS serum 36 18 18 [11]
3-indolebutyrate fragments UPLC-MS/MS plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
hippurate UPLC-MS/MS urine 22 11 11 [12]
  NMR urine 22 11 11 [12]
creatine NMR urine 22 11 11 * [12]
creatinine NMR urine 22 11 11 * [12]
  UPLC-MS/MS urine 22 11 11 * [12]
pregnanediol UPLC-MS/MS urine 22 11 11 * [12]
  NMR urine 22 11 11 * [12]
3-hydroxybutyrate NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
acetoacetate NMR plasma 22 11 11 * [12]
*did not survive Bonferroni correction. CSF; cerebrospinal fluid, ELISA; enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assay, FIA-MS;Flow Injection Analysis/Thermospray Mass Spectrometry,GC-MS; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry , HPLC; high performace liquid chromatography, LC-TOF-MS; liquid chromatography-time of fight-mass spectrometry,NMR; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, SZ; schizophrenia, UPLC-MS/MS;ultra-performance liquid chromatography−tandem mass spectrometry
Table 1: Metabolic abnormalities in patients with psychotic disorders.