100 experimental samples 608 clinical serum samples
  Total Positive Negative Total Positive Negative
Total 100 87 13 608 212 396
Positive 84 79 2 189 184 13
Negative 16 5 11 419 36 383
Experimental samples Sensitivity: 79/87=90.8%; specificity: 11/13= 84.6%; agreement ratio: (79+11)/100=90.0%.
Clinical serum samples Sensitivity: 184/212=86.8%; specificity: 383/396=96.7%; agreement ratio: (184+383)/608=93.3%.
Total samples Sensitivity: 79+184/87+212=88.0%; specificity: (11+383)/(13+396)=96.3%; agreement ratio: (79+11+184+383)/(100+608)=92.8%.
Table 5: Comparison of the LAT and ELISA in testing serum samples