Tuberculous pleural effusion (n=20) Malignant pleural effusion (n=20) Transudative pleural effusion (n=18) P value
Male(%) 14(70) 16(80) 14(77.78) 0.741
Age, years 53.2±10.3 55.7±9.9 49.8±15.1 0.317
Body Mass Index 23.9±2.8 25.1±3.0 23.1±1.9 0.070
Data are presented as mean ± SD or number (percent) There was no significant difference in age, gender or body mass index between these three groups (P > 0.05)
Table 1: Demographic characteristics of individuals with tuberculous pleural effusion, malignant pleural effusion and transudative pleural effusion.