Factor/Manipulation Participants/Model System Treatment/Manipulation; Duration Findings Proposed Mechanisms Citation
PPP1R3A Mutation Wild-type and mutant (premature stop mutation in PPP1R3A) mice Parent strain- Chimeric mice cross-bed with C57BL/6J mice (examined muscle not specified) Tissues collected during ad libitum. Age used not described. ↓ Glycogen content and GS activity
↑ GP activity
The reduction in GS activity was most likely due to the inability of PP1 to colocalize with GS and to bind to glycogen. 58
GS-PMO C57BL/6+GAA-/- mice
(examined quadriceps muscle)
GS-PMO administered at 15 or 30 mg/kg bodyweight by tail vein injection once every 2 weeks for a total of 12 weeks, muscle isolated 2 weeks after stopping treatment ↓ Glycogen content, GS activity, GS mRNA expression, and GS protein level GS-PMO forces exon skipping in the processing of Gys1 mRNA, leading to a premature termination codon. 61
AICAR Male Sprague-Dawley rats
(examined epitrochlearis muscles)

Male Albino-Wistar rats
(examined soleus and epitrochlearis muscles)
AICAR (2 mM) and insulin (1 µM) - 40 minutes

AICAR (2 mM) and insulin (100 nM)- 45, 60 and 75 min (preincubated with AICAR 30 min before insulin added)
↓ basal and insulin-stimulated GS activity

↓ insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis and glycogen content (soleus muscle)
↑ GS phosphorylation at Ser641 (45 min, soleus muscle)
AICAR treatment favors an increase in glycolytic flux instead of glycogen synthesis.

AICAR treatment led to a time-dependent reduction in Akt phosphorylation at Thr308 and activation of GSK-3α/β.

AICAR Male Sprague-Dawley rats
(examined epitrochlearis muscles)

Male Albino-Wistar rats
(examined soleus and epitrochlearis muscles)
AICAR (2 mM) and insulin (1µM) - 40 min

AICAR (2 mM) and insulin (100 nM)- 45, 60,and 75 min (preincubated with AICAR 30 min before insulin added)
↓ basal and insulin-stimulated GS activity

↓ insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis and glycogen content (soleus muscle)
↑ GS phosphorylation at Ser641 (45 minutes, soleus muscle)
AICAR treatment favors an increase in glycolytic flux instead of glycogen synthesis.

AICAR treatment led to a time-dependent reduction in Akt phosphorylation at Thr308 and activation of GSK-3α/β.

Adrenaline C57BL/6 J mice (examined EDL muscle)

Male Wistar rats (examined soleus muscle)

Wild-type and null GM allele (deletion encompassing 1st exon encoding PP1) mice
Parent strain: C57BL/6 mice
Adrenaline (10µM)- 40 min

Adrenaline (10µM) - 30 min

Adrenaline (0.5 mg/g) for 15 min, insulin (150 mU/g) for 20 min or saline intraperitoneal injections
↓ GS activity
↑ GS phosphorylation at Ser8/11, GP activity, and GP phosphorylation at Ser15

↑ GS (Ser645/649/653/657) phosphorylation

↓ GS activity
↑ GP activity
Adrenaline impairs dephosphorylation of GS atSer8/11 while promoting GP phosphorylation at Ser15.

Adrenaline impairs dephosphorylation of GS atSer645/649/653/657 most likely through PKA signaling pathway, which may also lead to decreases in PP1 activity.

Adrenaline’s effects may be attributed to decrease in PP1 activity and/or increase in phosphorylase kinase activity.


(examined hind limb muscles)
Age Male Fischer 344 rats (examined soleus and tibialis anterior muscles) Old (24 months) rats compared to young (6 months) rats maintained ad libitum or calorie restricted ↓ GS and GP activity and GS protein levels (soleus)
↑ GS phosphorylation at Ser640 (soleus)
Aging negatively affects GS and GP activity in soleus muscle, which may be associated with impairment of dephosphorylation of GS at Ser640. 70
Oxidant Stress Female lean Zucker rats (examined soleus muscle) Isolated muscle from 9-10 week old rats incubated for 2 h in the absence or presence of 100 mU/mL glucose oxidase, without or with 5 mU/ml insulin. ↓ insulin-stimulated GS activity and glycogen synthesis Oxidant stress was found to be associated with decreased phosphorylation of insulin receptor, Akt at Ser473, and GSK-3b at Ser9. 50
GM null allele Wild-type and null GM allele (deletion encompassing 1st exon encoding PP1) mice
Parent strain- C57BL/6 mice
(examined hind limb muscles)
Adrenaline (0.5 mg/g) for 15 min, insulin (150 mU/g) for 20 min, or saline via intraperitoneal injection ↓ insulin-stimulated GS activity (null GM mice)
↑ GS phosphorylation at Ser7/640/644 and GP phosphorylation at Ser14 (null GM mice)
Decreased PP1 activity allows for GS and GP phosphorylation which may also be attributed to increases in phosphorylase kinase activity. 68
Dexamethasone Male Sprague -Dawley rats (examined gastrocnemius muscle) 4 groups: saline, 10% sucrose drinking solution, dexamethasone (1 mg), and dexamethasone+sucrose- 7 days. ↑ Glycogen content (dexamethasone alone)
↓ GS activity (dexamethasone and dexamethasone+sucrose)
Dexamethasone may regulate GSK-3 and/or CAMKII activity. 75
Abbreviations: AICAR=5-Aminoimidazole-4-Carboxamide-1-b-D-Ribonucleotide, AMPK=5’-AMP-Activated Protein Kinase, CAMKII=Calmodulin Kinase II, EDL=Extensor Digitorum Longus, GP=Glycogen Phosphorylase, GS=Glycogen Synthase, mRNA=messenger Ribonucleic Acid, PKA=Protein Kinase A, PMO=Phosphorodiamidate Morpholino Oligonucleotide, PP1=Protein Phosphatase 1, ↑=significant increases due to factor/manipulation, ↓=significant decreases due to factor/manipulation.
Table 4: Factors negatively impacting GS regulation in animal studies.