Parameters 2D method 2DDmethod
Range(μg/ml) 2-12 μg/ml 2-14 μg/ml
Slop 0.0465 0.0275
S.E. of slop 0.0004 0.0003
Intercept -0.0255 0.0083
S.E. of Intercept 0.0032 0.0034
r 0.9998 0.9994
Mean±RSD% (accuracy) 100.36±1.836 99.81±1.889
LOD 0.2182 0.4511
LOQ 0.6612 1.3672
Repeatability % 1.471 1.863
Intermediate presicione % 1.616 1.868
Table 2: (Assay validation obtained by applying the two proposed spectrophotometric methods).