High-intensity group (n=234) Low-intensity group (n=342) P-value
Number of hospitals 19 30  
Number of patients 234 342  
Hospital background      
Number of beds in hospital 637.8±333.4 467.2±153.2 0.15
Number of ICU beds 12.7±9.9 5.8±4.6 0.01*
Number of intensivists per bed 0.4±0.3 0.3±0.4 0.62
Number of nurses per bed per day 1.8±0.9 1.7±1.1 0.72
Patient background      
Age 71.6±12.7 71.4±13.8 0.86
Gender (male %) 60.2 58.7 0.74
      (female %) 79.8 41.3
Admission course (%)      
Scheduled 12.3 12.9 0.85
Emergency 87.7 87.1
Reason for ICU entry (%)      
Internal medical disease 57.4 44.6 0.11
Post-emergency surgery 21.8 31.3
Post-scheduled surgery 20.8 24.1
Processes of care      
Initiation of antibiotic empirical therapy during ICU stay (%) 86.3 85.4 0.89
(Carbapenem) (%) 52.1 52.6 0.51
(3rd or 4th generation cephalosporin) (%) 24.8 26.1 0.59
(Combination of a β-lactam and an aminoglycoside) (%) 9.4 6.7 0.48
Enteral feeding (%) 90.2 88.6 0.45
Timing of initiation of enteral feeding (days) 6.0±8.4 9.0±10.1 <0.01**
(Gastrointestinall diseases) 7.8±6.9 (n=68) 9.8±7.6 (n=129) 0.32
(Other diseases) 5.4±5.4 (n=166) 7.9±7.8 (n=213) 0.04*
Parenteral nutrition (%) 71.7 74.2 0.45
Timing of initiation of parenteral nutrition (days) 2.9±5.0 2.6±3.8 0.54
Mechanical ventilation (%) 67.2 65.6 0.69
Duration of mechanical ventilation (days) 7.5±7.3 11.5±10 <0.01**
Dialysis (%) 6.6 8.9 0.35
Times of dialysis 4.6±4.2 4.4±6.3 0.85
Duration of hospital stay for survivors (days) 29.5±14.2 (n=111) 33.1±14.9 (n=162) 0.04*
Duration of hospital stay for non-survivors (days) 20.5±16.4 (n=123) 22.2±15.5 (n=180) 0.36
ICU duration of stay for survivors (days) 8.8±5.6 (n=172) 10.5±9.7 (n=267) 0.15
ICU duration of stay for non-survivors (days) 6.5±7.4 (n=62) 7.6±9.5 (n=75) 0.52
Expected mortality (%) 21.7±19.8 20.6±18.7 0.54
ICU mortality (%) 26.5 21.9 0.21
28-day mortality (%) 39.2 44.4 0.53
Hospital mortality (%) 47.4 45.9 0.73
aContinuous variable: mean ± SD; Categorical variable: percentage; *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01
Table 2: Hospital and patient backgrounds, processes and outcomes in ICU organizational structuresa.