Patient Gender/Age Body weight (kg) Renal Disease Duration Of Dialysis (year) Hematocrit (%) TP (g/dL) VC %VC FEV1 %FEV1 Complications
1 M/61 58 CGN 13 25.5 6.1 92.2 74.8 HT
2 F/70 65 DM 1 32.3 7.5 73.3 81.8 HT, DM
3 M/55 55 DM 4 37.8 7.3 90.9 81.4 CI, DM
4 M/65 60 DM Unknown 25.8 6.9 95.6 78.2 HT, DM
5 M/69 67 Unknown Unknown 29.1 6.5 81.7 72.3 HT, AP, DM
6 M/71 80 HT 7 28.9 6.5 76.5 83.6 HT, TIA
7 M/70 67 DM 3 33.9 7.7 70.3 83.3 HT, AP
8 F/65 63 DM 6 31.1 6.2 102 79 HT
9 M/70 65 DM 2 34 6.8 108 73 HT, AP
10 M/46 64 DM 11 32.1 6.9 89.2 84.4 HT, DCM, DM
11 M/78 62 DM 2 24.6 7.3 79 67 HT
12 F/60 49 Renal bleeding 23 30.3 6.2 107 85.2 DM
13 M/63 56 DM 1 28.8 6.7 82 66.3 AP, DM
14 M/62 59 CGN 1 38.3 6.2 91 106.1 ICH, DM
15 M/75 63 CGN 5 43.5 7.8 81 69 Asthma, DM
16 M/55 67 DM 3 32.9 7.2 83.4 76.7 None
17 M/75 55 CGN 10 30.9 6.5 78 87 AP, DM
18 M/67 45 CGN 6 31.5 6.6 74.2 69 HT, AP
19 M/66 45 CHF 1 28.8 6.6 67.8 90 AMI, DM
20 F/57 60 CGN 36 25.8 6.4 117 77.7 HT
21 M/83 45 postnephrectomy 19 38.9 6.3 77.1 37.3 HT
Mean ± standard deviation 65.9 ±8.63 59.6 ±8.66   8.11 ±9.19 31.66 ±4.883 6.77 ±0.551 86.5 ±13.3 77.2 ±12.9  
FEV1=forced expiratory volume in 1 second; TP=total protein; VC=vital capacity. CGN=Chronic glomerulonephritis, DM=Diabates mellitus, HT=Hypertension, CHF=Chronic heart failure CI=Cerebral Ischemia, AP=Angina pectoris, DCM= Dialated cardiomyopathy, ICH=Intracranial hemorrhage, AMI=Acute myocardial infarction
Table 1: Profile of the patients