Variable Group-A Group-B t-Value p (2-tailed)
Time of maximal sensory level (mins) 9.3±0.91 8.35±1.49 1.16 0.260
Regression to two segments (mins) 28.1±1.52 27.6±2.10 1.46 0.161
First analgesia
request (mins)
193.24±26.53 140.14±22.34 5.12 0.0001
Duration of motor block (mins) 159.15± 21.51 138.40±25.16 1.35 0.193
Total pentazocine consumption in first 24 hrs (mg) 84.0±9.76 106.5±7.16 3.68 0.002
Total diclofenac consumption in first 24 hrs (mg) 150.0 150.0    
mean ± standard deviation
Table 3: Subarachnoid Block Characteristics And Analgesia Data.