LT group
(n = 100)
PLA group
(n = 100)
P value
Heart rate (beats/min)      
         Before airway insertion 81±7.5 (73-112) 84±11.6 (53-108) NS
         After airway insertion 75±11.9 (60-110) 74±11.4 (54-102) NS
        At 5 minutes after insertion 70±9.8 (47-106) 73±8.3 (62-98) NS
         After removal of the device 82±7.9 (74-122) 79±10.7 (63-117) NS
MAP  (mmHg)      
         Before airway insertion 98±11.4 (78-139) 93±10.0 (70-136) NS
         After airway insertion 77±13.5 (56-125) 80±15.4 (55-135) NS
        At 5 minutes after insertion 76±11.7 (60-117) 75±12.0 (61-112) NS
         After removal of the device 86±14.9 (66-135) 84±13.9 (68-133) NS
SpO2 (%)      
         Before airway insertion 97±1.7 (92-100) 97±1.6 (94-100) NS
         After airway insertion 98±1.4 (96-100) 98±1.6 (95-100) NS
        At 5 minutes after insertion 99±1.0 (97-100) 99±1.7 (92-100) NS
         After removal of the device 96±1.8 (90-98) 95±2.6 (88-98) NS
Data are mean ± SD (range) or number of patients
LT: Laryngeal tube
PLA: Perilaryngeal airway
MAP: Mean arterial blood pressure
Table 3: Hemodynamic data and peripheral oxygen saturation.