Hospital acquisition cost of Cidex OPAa per gallon (dollars)


Hospital acquisition cost of each single Cidex OPA test strip (dollars)


Hospital acquisition cost of disposable gowns (each)


Hospital acquisition cost of disposable channel brush (each)


Total average amount of Cidex OPA used every 14 days (gallons)


Total average number of Cidex OPA test strip every 14 days


Total average number of gowns used every 14 daysb


Total average number of channel brushes used every 14 days


Total average cost of Cidex OPA every 14 days (dollars)


Total average cost of Cidex OPA test strips every 14 days (dollars)


Total average cost of disposable gowns every 14 days (dollars)


Total average cost of channel brushes every 14 days (dollars)


Total average hospital cost of cleaning materials every 14 days (dollars)


Average number of endoscopes cleaned by hospital every 14 daysc


Average total cost of cleaning materials per fiberscope (dollars)


a: Product info available from:
b: 3 gowns per technician, 2 technicians per shift, 3 shifts per day
c: 20,331 endoscopes cleaned by the hospital’s centralized sterile processing
department during the study’s one year period
Table 1: Materials Costs for Fiberscope Cleaning.