Level of Consciousness  
Awake and oriented 2
Arousable with minimal stimulation 1
Responsive only to tactile stimulation 0
Physical Activity  
Able to move all  extremities on command 2
Some weakness in movement of extremities 1
Unable to voluntarily move extremities 0
Hemodynamic Stability  
Blood  pressure < 15 % of  baseline MAP value 2
Blood prssure 15% - 30 % of baseline MAP value 1
Blood pressure > 30 % of below baseline MAP value 0
Respiratory stability  
Able to breathe deeply 2
Tachypnea with good cough 1
Dyspneic with weak cough 0
Oxygen Saturation
Maintains value > 90 % on room air
Requires supplemental oxygen to maintain  oxygen saturation > 90% 2
Saturation < 90 % with supplemental 1
oxygen 0
Postoperative  pain assessment  
None or mild  discomfort 2
Moderate to severe pain controlled with IV analgesics 1
Persistent severe pain 0
Postoperative  Emetic  Symptoms  
None / mild nausea with no active vomiting 2
Transient vomiting controlled with IV antiemetics 1

Persistent moderate to severe nausea and vomiting


Total Score


Table 1: Fast-Tract Criteria (FTC).