Author and date Study purpose Study design Sample Findings
Reinius et al. [2] Analyze the effect of general anesthesia and three different ventilatory strategies Prospective and randomized Thirty morbidly obese patients (body mass index 45 ± 4 kg/m−2) A recruitment maneuver followed by PEEP reduced atelectasis, whereas, PEEP or a recruitment maneuver alone did not.
Chalhoub et al. [6] Evaluate the effect of a vital capacity maneuver (VCM), followed by ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), on arterial Prospective and randomized Fifty-two morbidly obese patients (body mass index >40 kg/m−2) The addition of VCM to PEEP improves intraoperative arterial oxygenation in morbidly obese patients undergoing open bariatric surgery
Talab et al. [7] Evaluate the safety and efficacy of the VCM followed by different levels of PEEP Prospective and randomized Sixty-six obese patients (body mass index 30 - 50 kg/m−2) Intraoperative alveolar recruitment with a VCM followed by 10 cm H2O prevents lung atelectasis and improves oxygenation, PACU stay, and pulmonary complications
Whalen et al. [8] Quantitate the effects of recruitment maneuvers followed by PEEP on PaO2 Prospective and randomized Twenty patients (body mass index >40 kg/m−2) Recruitment maneuvers followed by PEEP effectively increases intraoperative PaO2
Futier et al. [9] Effect of PEEP and recruitment maneuver on end-expiratory lung volume (EELV), oxygenation and respiratory mechanics Prospective and non-randomized Sixty patients Recruitment maneuver combined with PEEP improved EELV, respiratory mechanics, and oxygenation; whereas, PEEP alone did not
Table 1: Presentation of reviewed studies.