Group P (n=30) Group D (n=30) P value
Number of patients developed hypotensiona 15 (50%)* 6 (20%) 0.015
Age ≤ 60 yr 10/18 (55.5%)* 10/18 (55.5%)* 3/18 (16.6%) 0.015
Age >60 yr 5/12 (41.6%) 3/12 (25%) 0.386
Onset of hypotension (min)b 10 (5-40)* 20 (5-60) 0.021
Lowest SBP(mmHg)b 87.5 (66-142)* 100.5 (69-127) 0.013
Lowest HR (beat/min)b 55.5 (36-82) 54 (35-72) 0.077
a value=Number of patient (%)
b value=Median (min-max)
* P<0.05
Table 4: Incidence and onset of hypotension and bradycardia.