Domain Sub-Domain Item
Psychological Symptomsτ Internal (1)Lack of energy, fatigue, tiredness
(2)Feeling out of control
(3)Feeling aggravated or irritable
(4)Feeling discouraged
(5)Worried that won’t fully recover from surgery
(6)Motivation is low
  Interpersonal (7)Feeling like a burden to others
(8)Feeling aggravated or irritable
Physical Activities£ Basic (9)Ability to sit up
(10)Ability to stand up
(11)Getting self to the bathroom
(12)Dressing self
  Advanced (13) Doing your day-to-day activities
    (14) Walking several blocks
    (15) Walking up a flight of stairs
    (16) Driving
General Symptoms¥ Physical/ Neuropsychological  (17) Lack of physical strength
(18) Felt clumsy or uncoordinated
(19) Avoid strenuous activity
(20) Trouble focusing on mental tasks
(21) Noticed slurred speech
  Sleep (22) Trouble staying awake during the day
    (23/24) Trouble falling or staying asleep
Bowel Symptomsτ Lower (25) Feeling constipated
(26) Straining during bowel movements
(27) Gas pains
(28) Problem passing gas
(29) Bowel movements seem incomplete
(30) Feeling rectal pressure or fullness
(31) Bowel movements are unsatisfying
  Upper (32) Felt nauseated
    (33) Belly feels bloated
Appetite Symptomsτ Pleasure (34) Not able to enjoy favorite foods
(35) Nothing tastes good (food or drink)
  Digestion (36) Only able to eat small amounts of food at one time
    (37) Poor appetite
Note: Based on CFA, Upper Bowel sub-domain is associated with Bowel and Appetite domains.
τResponse options for items within these domains range from "Not at all bothered" to "Extremely bothered."
£Response options for items within this domain range from "Not at all" to "Extremely limited."
¥Response options for items within this domain range from "None" to "Extremely."
Table 2: PoRI Domains, Sub-Domains and Items.