Stage 3 Stage 4
Scale, Domain, and Sub-Domain Internal Consistency
(Cronbach α)
(Pearson r)
Internal Consistency
(Cronbach α)
Test-Retest (Pearson r)
Scale 0.955 0.782 0.948 0.793
Psychological Symptoms 0.932 0.700 0.927 0.767
Internal 0.917   0.913  
Interpersonal 0.775   0.762  
Physical Activities 0.931 0.881 0.916 0.757
Basic 0.907   0.896  
Advanced 0.872   0.897  
General Symptoms 0.873 0.738 0.813 0.660
Physical/ Neuropsychological Symptoms 0.818   0.819  
Sleep 0.817   0.438  
Bowel Symptoms 0.932 0.742 0.920 0.814
Lower 0.933   0.923  
Upper 0.634   0.463  
Appetite Symptoms 0.896 0.719 0.898 0.790
Pleasure 0.802   0.797  
Digestion 0.799   0.812  
Table 3: Internal Consistency and Test-Retest Reliability Coefficients.