Incidence (%) Prevention Treatment
Spasm 1-5 Immediate, fast puncture
Prophylactic Verapamil and Nitroglycerine
Proper patient sedation
Intraarterial nitroglycerin or verapamil
Radial artery occlusion 1-3 Prophylactic NaHeparin Non-occlusive bandage In symptomatic cases PTA
Perforation very rare GW removal and compression bandage Compression bandage In symptomatic cases coronary stent graft
Dissection very rare Cross ower to femoral site In symptomatic cases PTA with stent
Pseudoaneurysm very rare Proper pressure bandgage position Long term compression bandage US guided thrombin injection
Granuloma formation very rare - -
Table 3: Reported vascular complications, their prevention and treatment.