Baseline |
#8 |
#6 |
#5 |
#4 |
#3 |
P-Value |
Blood pressure sys/dias/map ± SD |
115/73/87 ± 12/12/11 |
121/67/88 ± 22/14/13 |
114/71/87 ± 9/7/6 |
114/73/87 ± 15/6/8 |
115/71/86 ± 15/8/8 |
110/69/84 ± 7/8 5 |
0.9932 |
Respiratory Rate
mean ± SD |
11.14 ± 1.57 |
10.86 ± 1.61 |
10.79 ± 1.58 |
11.15 ± 1.95 |
11.08 ± 2.11 |
11.27 ± 2.05 |
0.5061 |
Minute Volume
l/min; mean ± SD |
4.80 ± 0.32 |
5.70 ± 1.70 |
5.51 ± (1.10 |
5.70 ± 1.30 |
4.78 ± 1.07 |
4.22 ± 0.61 |
0.1762 |
End-Tidal CO2 mmHg;
mean ± SD |
40.00 ± 3.63 |
40.86 ± 3.06 |
40.71 ± 3.06 |
41.00 ± 3.46 |
41.00 ± 4.28 |
42.18 ± 4.02 |
0.9581 |
This table details changes in non-invasive blood pressure, respiratory rate, minute volume and end-tidal CO2 across different levels of external airway resistance |