C Group (n=25) Rroup (n=25) P
Age: 44.84 ± 8.31 44.28 ± 11.20 0.84
MELD: 17.36 ± 3.12 18.40 ± 3.16 0.24
Sex (male/female) 22/3 20/5 0.69
1-HCV 13 13  
2-HCV-HCC 11 9  
3-Cryptogenic 1 1  
4-Wilson disease 0 1  
5-Alcoholic cirrhosis 0 1  
C, the control group; R, rFVIIa group; HCV, hepatitis C virus;
HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma. Data are represented as Mean ± SD
Table 2: The demographic data of the patients involved in the study.