Parameters Total (n = 160) Case (n = 120) Control (n = 40) P-value
Age(yrs) 41.81± 1.08 41.82 ± 1.27 41.78 ± 2.01 0.9867
Anthropometric parameters        
Weight (Kg) 70.54 ± 0.75 70.83 ± 0.86 69.68 ± 1.55 0.5073
Height (cm) 163.80± 0.41 164.00 ± 0.49 163.30 ± 0.73 0.4698
BMI(Kg/m2) 26.26± 0.25 26.31 ± 0.29 26.11 ± 0.54 0.724
BSA (m2) 1.79± 0.01 1.79 ± 0.01 1.77 ± 0.02 0.4444
Underweight 6/160(3.75) 4/120(3.33) 2/40(5.00) 0.6403
Normal 44/160(27.50) 30/120(25.00) 14/40(35.00) 0.2267
Overweight 90/160(56.25) 71/120(59.17) 19/40(47.50) 0.2045
Obese 20/160(12.50) 15/120(12.50) 5/40(12.50) 1.000
Continuous data were presented as mean ± SEM; categorical data are presented as proportion with percentages in parenthesis. Continuous data were compared using unpaired t-test whilst categorical data were compared using Fischer’s exact test. p is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Underweight (BMI ≤ 20), Normal weight (BMI 20–25), overweight (BMI 25–29.9) and obese (BMI ≥ 30)
Table 1: Demographic and Anthropometric characteristics of the study population stratified as case and control.