Complications Group D
Group P
No. % No. %
Absent 21 67.7 13 41.9 X2=4.17   P=0.041*
Present 10 32.3 18 58.1
#Type of complications          
Nausea 2 6.5 3 9.7 FEP=0.631
Vomiting 0 0.0 2 6.5 FEP=0.167
Shivering 2 6.5 12 41.9 X2=8.96   P=0.003*
Bradycardia 8 25.8 0 0.0 FEP=0.043*
Hypotension 8 25.8 6 19.4 X2=0.09   P=0.766
X2: Chi-Square test FEP: Fisher’s Exact test *Significant at P ≤ 0.05
#Categories are not mutually exclusively
Test of significance is conducted between complication and those who are free of complications
Table 6: Intra-operative complications observed among the studied groups.