Query Pub Med search protocol
(1) Waiting list VAS ("total joint arthroplasty"[All Fields] OR "total joint replacement"[All Fields] OR "total hip arthroplasty"[All Fields] OR "total hip replacement"[All Fields] OR "total knee arthroplasty"[All Fields] OR "total knee replacement"[All Fields])
AND ("visual analog scale"[All Fields] OR "visual analogue scale"[All Fields] OR VAS[All Fields])
AND ("waiting list"[All Fields] OR "waiting time"[All Fields] OR wait[All Fields] OR "Queue"[All Fields])
(2) Knee VAS ("total knee arthroplasty"[All Fields] OR "total knee replacement"[All Fields])
AND ("femoral nerve block"[All Fields] OR "femoral block"[All Fields]) AND ("visual analog scale"[All Fields] OR "visual analogue scale"[All Fields] OR VAS[All Fields] OR "WOMAC VAS"[All Fields])
AND ("patient controlled analgesia"[All Fields] OR ("analgesics, opioid"[MeSH Terms] OR ("analgesics"[All Fields]
AND "opioid"[All Fields]) OR "opioid analgesics"[All Fields] OR "opioids"[All Fields] OR "analgesics, opioid"[Pharmacological Action]))
AND ("control group"[All Fields] OR ("prevention and control"[Subheading] OR ("prevention"[All Fields]
AND "control"[All Fields]) OR "prevention and control"[All Fields] OR "control"[All Fields] OR "control groups"[MeSH Terms] OR ("control"[All Fields]
AND "groups"[All Fields]) OR "control groups"[All Fields]) OR controls[All Fields])
(3) Waiting list duration ("total joint arthroplasty"[All Fields] OR "total joint replacement"[All Fields] OR "total hip arthroplasty"[All Fields] OR "total hip replacement"[All Fields] OR "total knee arthroplasty"[All Fields] OR "total knee replacement"[All Fields])
AND ("mean waiting time"[All Fields] OR (("waiting lists"[MeSH Terms] OR ("waiting"[All Fields]
AND "lists"[All Fields]) OR "waiting lists"[All Fields] OR ("waiting"[All Fields]
AND "list"[All Fields]) OR "waiting list"[All Fields])
AND duration[All Fields]))
Table 1: Search protocols.