Feedback devices The effect of using a CPR feedback device (with vs. without)
Compression depth Compression rate
Depth (mm)* No. at “correct” depth (%)* P-value Compressions (rate minute-1)* No. at “correct” rate (%)* P-value
Voice-advisory manikins (VAM)
“Skill Reporter”19 40.0 vs. 36.7   0.018 106.7 vs. 106.0   ns
Motion capture technologies (or virtual reality enhanced manikins, VREM)
Infra-red camera21 69.0 vs. 65.0   ns 121.5 ± 11 vs. 102.6 ± 18   <0.001
Microsoft Kinect™(mini VREM)22   47.4 vs. 24.9 0.002   72.0 vs. 31.4 <0.001
Defibrillators with built in feedback functions
Phillips HeartStart-Mrx™ with Q-CPR™ 26 38 ± 6 vs. 34 ± 9 53 vs. 24 <0.001 109 ± 12 vs. 121 ± 18   0.001
Investigational defibrillator (IDE #G020121)27 44 ± 10 vs. 43 ± 12   0.47 100 ± 13 vs. 104 ± 18   0.16
Portable feedback devices
CPREzy™23   71.2 vs. 34.1 0.01   93.7 vs. 19.8 0.01
PocketCPR™24 50.8 ± 10 vs. 38.1 ± 10   0.05 101 ± 9.7 vs. 127 ± 13.8   <0.001
CPRmeter™25   73.1 vs. 45.2 <0.001   94.6 vs. 62.4 < 0.001
Smartphone applications
iCPR™31 37.2 ± 12 vs. 41.1 ± 13   0.57 101.1 ± 3 vs. 107.8 ± 21   <0.01
PocketCPR™32 40.0 vs. 41.0   0.85 92.8 vs. 96.1   0.57
CPR=Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, VAM = voice advisory manikins,
VREM=virtually enhanced manikins *data presented as intervention group  vs. control group
Table 2: The effect of using CPR feedback devices on compression depth and rate.