HES group Control group
N 109 109
Age (years) 59±14 59±15
Gender (M/F) 92/17 75/34
Duration of operations
) (ml) (minuteses)      (minutes)
429±159 407±156
Blood loss (ml) 964±649 955±626
Urine output (ml) 1175±931 1057±853
Amount of fluid
administered (ml)
5197±1469 5091±1295
Amount of crystalloids
administered (ml)
2724±1311 3926±1058*
Amount of HES
administered (ml)
administered (ml)(ml)
2220±348 1000
Amount of 5% albumin
administered (ml)
671±273 705±334
Data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. Mann-Whitney’s U test was used to determine differences between the groups. *p<0.05
Table 1: Patient demographic and intraoperative data.