Causes of Pain Stimulation Target Long-term Success (%) References
DBS CPSP VPL or PAG/PVG >30 [19]
Various neuropathic pain conditions Vc and PAG/PVG 24 [20]
Surgery VPL 92 [21]
Various neuropathic pain conditions PAG/PVG 62 [22]
Various neuropathic pain conditions VPL/VPM 83 [20]
Various neuropathic pain conditions VPL/VPM 14 [23]
MCS Facial neuropathic pain M1 76 [24]
Various neuropathic pain conditions M1 83.3 [20]
Various neuropathic pain conditions M1 75 [15]
Trigeminal neuropathic pain syndromes M1 >50 [16]
Various neuropathic pain conditions M1 50 [25]
CPSP: Chronic Post-Surgical Pain; DBS:Deep Brain Stimulation; M1: primary motor cortex; MCS: Motor Cortex Stimulation; PVG/PAG: Periventricular and Periaqueductal Gray matter and adjacent mid-line thalamic nuclei; Vc:Ventrocaudalis thalamic nucleus; VPL/VPM:Ventroposterolateral and Ventroposteromedial Thalamic Nuclei.
Table 2: Uses of neurostimulation for pain control.