Age/sex Type of surgery Thrombocytopenia
(50% fall, 5-10 days from pre-op. level)
Immunoassay ELISA (>0.4) Functional SRA (>20%)assay
Pre 7days 14days Pre 7days 14days
1 58/M vas-grafting −* −** 1.82 2.39 −*** 96
2 67/M vas-grafting + (56.6%)
3 63/M CABG
4 69/M CABG + (69.6%)
5 55/M CABG
6 60/F CABG + (73.5%)
7 63/M valve op.
8 70/M CABG 1.28 1.87 2.01 65 68
* not consistent with platelet criteria
**optical density under 0.4 by ELISA
***radioactive serotonin release under 20%
SRA, 14C serotonin release assay
Table 4: Seroconversion in cardiac surgery patients with chronic hemodialysis.