M1: One month post-splenectomy, CCR: Continuous Complete Response, CR:
Complete Response, PR: Partial Response, NR: No Response. Med F-up: median follow-up.
-For 21 children who experienced a relapse after CR obtention, at the last follow- up, 18 are in CR (4 spontaneously, 12 after pulses of IVIg and / or steroids,
2 after 1 to 3 lines), 2 are in PR (spontaneously), and 1 is in NR (after pulses
of steroids) - For 8 children in PR at M1, at the last follow-up, 4 are in CR (1 spontaneously, 2 after pulses of IVIg / steroids, 1 after 1 line), 4 are in PR (2 spontaneously, 2 after pulses of IVIg and / or steroids)
- For 8 children in NR at M1, at the last follow-up, 3 are in CR (3 after 3 to 6
lines, still treated by azathioprine), 5 are in NR (1 after pulses of IVIg and / or
steroids, 4 after 3 to 8 lines)
Figure 1: Response to splenectomy for 75 children, at one month post-splenectomy
and at last followup.