Microorganisms Solid Substrate Inducers  Fermentation conditions (hours) Lipase Activity Units References
Fusarium oxysporum Wheat bran Cetyl trimethylammonium bromide 96 h, pH-8.5, 40°C, high MC  111.48 U/ml [66]
Aspergillus flavus Wheat bran and Castor oil cake - 96 h, pH-7.0, 30°C, MC 64% w/w 121.35 U/gds [60]
Aspergillus niger Rice bran - pH-6.87, 30.3°C 121.53 (U/g dss) [62]
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Sunflower oil Triton X-100 pH-6.5, 25°C 2560 U/g DM [63]
Yarrowia lipolyticaNCIM 3589 Palm Kernal cake - MC 70% v/w, 96 h 18.58 U/ gds [64]
Aspergillus niger J-1 Olive oil  and Glucose - pH-7.0, 30°C for 7 days 9.14 IU/g dss [61]
Aspergillus niger MTCC 2594 Wheat bran, Coconut oil cake and Wheat rawa Olive oil, Sesame oil and Sunflower oil 72h, 30°C, pH-7.0, MC 60% v/w 745.7 ± 11 U/gds [65]
Rhizomucar rhizopodiformis Sugar cane bagasse and Olive oil cake - 20 h-24 h 79.60 U/gds [31]
Aspergillus nigerMTCC 2594 Gingelly oil cake  - 250 ml EF, 30°C, 120 h, pH-7.0, MC 60% 363.6 /gds  [32]
Penicillium restrictum Babassu oil cake Peptone, Oliveoil and Starch EF, 30°C, 15-65 h,   30.3 U/g  [33]
Rhizopus oligosporousNCIM 1207 Wheat bran and Olive oil Nacl, Triton X-100   500 ml EF, 45°C, pH-2.5, 24 h, MC 71.4% 630 IU/gds [35]
 Aspergillus.sps Wheat rawa   - 250 ml EF, 30°C, pH-7.0, 96 h  1934 U/g [38]
Penicillium restrictum Babassu oil cake and Olive oil - Tray reactor, 37°C, 24 h, pH-7.0 5.8 U/ml  [107]
Rhizopus oryzae PTCC 5176 Bagasse and Urea Olive oil and Canola oil Tray-bioreactor, pH 8.0, 35°C, MC 80% 229.355 U/gds [108]
Candida rugosa Coconut oil cake Urea, Peptone and Maltose 96 h   87.76 U/g ds [109]
Candida rugosaDSM-2031
Yeast Species
Coconut oil cake and Wheat bran
Deoiled rice bran, Rice bran oil and Mineral salts.
- - 28°C 96 h, 30°C 48.61 U/ml 
58 LU/gm dry bran
Mustard oil cake - 30°C,  96 h,
pH- 6.0
1566.67 ± 133.33 U/ml [106]
Aspergillus nigerIIT 53A14 Wheat bran and Olive oil - Soap stock 32°C, 48 h, pH 6.3-6.6 32°C, 48 h, pH 6.3-6.6 48.6 U/gds 62.5 U/gds [110]
Aspergillus niger Shea butter cake Tween 20 30°C, 7 days, pH 7.0 3.35 U/g [111]
Aspergillus. sp Wheat bran -  30°C, 96 h, pH 7.0 13.1 U/ml [112]
Aspergillus niger Soya bean and Rice husk - 37°C, pH 7.7, 96 h 4.23 U/ml [113]
EF: Erlenmeyer flask; MC: Moisture content; gds: gram dry substrate; LU; lipase units; ds: dry substrate; dss: dry solid substrate; DM: dry matter; U or IU or u: The amount of enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of 1 μmoles of substrates per minute.
Table 1: Comparison of lipase production in various fungal microorganisms