1024 Monoclonal antibody
Parameters Matrix 1 Matrix 2 Matrix 3 Matrix 4 Matrix 4
Mean Conc. (ng/mL) 157.4 161.1 163.6 142.0 167.8
BIAS% 4.9 7.4 9.1 -5.3 11.9
SD 11.7 21.0 27.4 18.7 28.4
CV% 7.4 13.0 16.7 13.2 16.9
992 Monoclonal antibody
Parameters Matrix 1 Matrix 2 Matrix 3 Matrix 4 Matrix 4
Mean Conc. (ng/mL) 169.9 150.0 169.2 135.8 172.9
BIAS% 13.3 0.0 12.8 -9.5 15.3
SD 33.6 27.7 26.4 9.7 10.5
CV% 19.8 18.5 15.6 7.1 6.1
Table 7: Selectivity of the LC-MS/MS analysis of 1024 mAb and 992 mAb spiked at LLOQ in five different monkey serum lots.