Degradation Study AZP Peak Purity by PDA AZP Peak Purity by LC-MS
Purity Angle Purity Threshold m/z for AZP across the peak
Acid hydrolysis 0.150 0.416 569.03
Base hydrolysis 0.125 0.320 569.02
Neutral hydrolysis 0.123 1.005 569.03
Peroxide degradation 0.149 0.312 569.02
  UV radiation
Solid 0.312 0.646 569.04
Solution 0.614 0.651 569.03
Solid 0.205 0.590 569.02
Solution 0.118 0.479 569.04
Thermal degradation 0.528 0.860 569.05
Note: For a peak to be pure purity angle should be less than purity threshold in PDA and a single m/z value should be obtained across the peak in MS detection.
Table 2: Summary of Peak Purity Evaluation under various stress conditions.