Amino AcidTMSderivative Slope(μM-1) Responseaxisintercept R2 Calculated concentration in the standardsolution(μM)
Notreviewed Reviewed
Nor2TMS 1.095E-02 5.547E-01 0.999 101.4 accepted
Leu2TMS 1.058E-02 5.375E-01 0.999 101.6 accepted
Ala2TMS 7.45E-03 3.848E-01 0.999 103.3 accepted
Gly2TMS 2.30E-03 1.075-01 0.971 93.4 rejectedsee text
Gly3TMS 3.00E-03 1.436E-01 0.986 95.6 rejectedsee text
Val2TMS 8.71E-03 4.55E-01 0.995 104.5 accepted
Ile2TMS 9.16E-03 5.33E-01 0.999 103.5 accepted
Pro2TMS 9.18E-03 4.108E-01 0.997 89.5 96.8
Ser3TMS 6.95E-03 3.302E-01 0.997 95.0 accepted
Thr3TMS 3.333E-03 1.583E-01 0.994 95.0 accepted
Met2TMS 4.87E-03 2.295E-01 0.998 94.2 accepted
Asp2TMS 5.86E-03 3.029E-01 0.993 103.4 accepted
PyroGlu2TMS 9.70E-03 5.274E-01 0.995 108.7 103.9
Glu3TMS 3.06E-03 1.63E-02 0.993 10.65 rejectedsee text
Phe1TMS 1.25E-03 7.093E-02 0.998 113.4 rejectedsee text
Phe2TMS 4.16E-03 1.448E-01 0.997 69.6 rejectedsee text
Lys2TMS ME 6.57E-3 2.36E-1 0.949 71.84 rejectedsee text
Cys3TMS 1.48E-3 1.89E-01 0.949 255.4 rejectedsee text
Tyr2TMS 6.99E-03 2.46E-01 1.000 70.39 rejectedsee text
Trp2TMS 1.015E-03 2.201E-02 0.983 43.4 rejectedsee text
Table 2: Equations of the regression line through the (TargetIonRR, AddedConc) experimental points in the standard additions plots and calculated concentrations of the standard 100 μM solution of amino acids (data from the main basic experiment in Figure 1). Only concentrations which are affected by an uncertainty (evaluated from the standard additions plot) which does not exceed the set threshold of ± 6% have been accepted.