Medium Composition
HCl 0.05N (pH 1.3) 10 mL of HCl 0.1N (Merck) adjusted to 20.0 mL with Millipore water.
Citrate buffer pH3 Solution A is prepared with 267.9 g of citric acid monohydrated (VWR, ref: 20276.292) in 20 mL of Millipore water. Solution B is prepared with 595.9 mg of citric trisodium dihydrated salt (VWR ref: 27830.294) in 40 mL of Millipore water. Solution B is added to solution A to adjust the pH to 3.0.
Acetate buffer pH 4.5 Anhydrous sodium acetate (Fisher ref: S/210/50) 96.88 mg + 1 drop of acetic acid. pH 4.5 is adjusted in this solution by addition of diluted acetic acid (1:10). Solution completed to 20.0 mL with Millipore water.
Phosphate buffer pH 6.5 3.2 mL K2HPO4 0.1M (Merck ref: 1.5099 - 279.8 mg in 20 mL of Millipore water) + 6.8 mL KH2PO4, 3H2O 0.1M (Fisher ref: P/5320/53 - 484.9 mg in 20 mL of Millipore water) solution adjusted to 20.0 mL with Millipore water.
Phosphate buffer pH 7.4 1.9 mL of K2HPO4 0.1M (Merck ref: 1.5099 - 279.8 mg in 20 mL of Millipore water) + 8.1 mL of KH2PO4, 3H2O 0.1M (Fisher ref: P/5320/53 - 484.9 mg in 20 mL of Millipore water) solution adjusted to 20.0 mL with Millipore water.
Trishydroxymethylaminomethane pH 9.0 buffer 163.3 mg of Trishyroxymethylaminomethane (Fisher ref: T395.500) in 20 ml of Millipore water. Add 140 μl of HCl 1N and adjust to pH to 9.0 with HCl 0.1N. Dilute to 40 ml with Millipore water.
Solution of KCl (a) - 0.061M 15 mL of solution (c) adjusted to 20 mL
Solution of KCl (b) - 0.041M 10 mL of solution (c) adjusted to 20 mL
Solution of KCl (c) - 0.082M 607.2 mg of Potassium Chloride (Merck ref: 1.59707) dissolved in Millipore water and adjusted to 100 mL
Table 3: Preparation of aqueous buffered solutions and potassium chloride solutions.