Source of variation Sum of squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio F-tab
X1 0.00187500 1 0.00187500 0.42 F1,17=1.45
X2 0.00020833 1 0.00020833 0.05
X12 0.20423045 1 0.20423045 46.19
X22 0.08965974 1 0.08965974 20.28 F4,17=2.96
Model 0.29597352 4 0.0739934 16.7335
Error 0.0751719 17 0.00442188    
Lack of fit 0.05171 14 0.004083 0.6805  
Purely experimental uncertainty 0.01800 3 0.00600    
Total (corr) 0.44086 21      
R2 0.7974
Table 8: Analysis of variance for variables and for the full regression for resolution factor (Rs).