Number Wastewater pH TOC-LCPH/CPN Experimental device
TC (mg/L) IC (mg/L) TOC (mg/L) TOC (mg/L)
1 Pharmaceuticala 6 81.1 54.1 27.0 82.4
2 Chemicala 7 284.9 115.5 169.4 279.7
3 Chemicalb 8 11914.8 260.8 11654.0 10578.8
4 Pharmaceuticalb 2 321.8 0.7 321.1 319.6
5 Sewage outfall 7 56.4 3.0 53.4 56.9
6 Dyeing 8 874.2 0.1 874.1 889.4
aTOC detected by experiment device were tested at T=420°C, P=23.2 Mpa, [Cu2+]=1.0 mg/L and residence time=217.3 s.
Table 1: TOC concentration of practical wastewater detected by Shimadzu TOC analyzer and experimental devicea.